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Compra de pés de oliveiras.

Description level
Item Item
Reference code
Title type
Date range
1577-06-27 Date is certain to 1577-06-27 Date is certain
Descriptive dates
1577-06-27 - 1577-06-27
Dimension and support
4 f. ; papel
Scope and content
Ana Luís, viúva, criada da Marquesa de Vila Real, compra a Catarina Gomes, viúva de Rui de Abreu, cavaleiro, oito pés de oliveiras, na Barroca, as quais foram de Francisco Fernandes, cavaleiro, e, ainda, 20 oliveiras em Vale de Vinte Mouro, por 1600 reais.
Physical location
Language of the material
Physical characteristics and technical requirements
Documento que sofreu intervenção de restauro.
Creation date
6/10/2021 5:01:55 PM
Last modification
2/28/2022 11:46:48 AM